The board reports are an essential aspect of an organization’s management. As a governing body, the board’s job is to offer advice and oversight–and to ensure that all aspects of the business are moving in the right direction. A well-written and well-designed document is a great way to demonstrate this.

Board members have many responsibilities and the time they reserve for meetings is precious. It’s important to make use of their time and deliver an easy-to-read, concise report.

To do this, the board report should start by laying out any key metrics relevant to the company’s mission and goals. These could be financials like growth or profits, but they can also include more granular data like new user signups, employee hiring rates, patent applications, or product information. All of these should be placed within the context of your strategy, so that your board can gain valuable insights into how the business is performing.

Then, proceed to discuss any upcoming projects or changes that will require the board’s approval or financial backing. This is an excellent opportunity to make the board think about what’s coming up. Be sure to give an overview of the main points and next steps, and be sure to be clear about any potential risks or issues that could arise.


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